Here is a pile of all the parts that will be replaced. Primary and secondary jets of course, the needles were worn so I will replace those, one of the needle jets got dinged taking it out (oops...) so I'll replace those as well. The rest is bowl float needles, o-rings, and hardware.
Here is the new stainless hardware I ordered for the carbs. The o-rings I had to buy a minimum of 20, so I have extras I could try and sell.
These are a few parts right after the parts cleaning. Pine-sol did a pretty amazing job (destroyed my hands though). It took varnished gas right off of the bowls and carb bodies very nicely. That brass fuel "T" was black when I took it off!
Not too much to see on the carb bodies, but they are definitely much cleaner than before.
Here's an easy illustration of how well the ultrasonic cleaner with pine-sol works. I only ran the ultrasonic timer for 3 minutes on half of these brackets.
I got the carb bank back together, but I don't have a picture yet. Still have to buy all new jets and needles, bowl gaskets, and o-rings that come with the rebuild kits. That will probably wait a few weeks though.