Monday, August 24, 2015

Big Gains From Half a Bike

So this is a bit of a fast forward because I spent more time working than taking pictures. The first thing I did was take out the original hack-job harness, which was the main reason the bike was even for sale.

I picked up a harness on ebay from a GS1100E, which turned out to be a fairly different bike than the 1100GL I have. After a good amount to studying several wire diagrams I was able to determine which connectors would work and which ones wouldn't. Long story short, I re-terminated all of the wiring for the gauges and indicators up front. I also found that the ground wires inside were melted through so I built an external ground harness. Finding that issue took some time, and several blown fuses, but it works great now.

Now that the harness is done it was time to see what else this thing could do. The harness was ran through the bike and connections were made. Before attempting to start it, I wanted to verify that the ignition had spark. Testing each plug, I found that only 1 of the 2 coils would give spark. Great, the ignition module that I thought was a free upgrade (DYNA S) had a blown sensor. I had previously cleaned out the carbs, so I was confident they were ok, so why not try to start it on two cylinders anyway???

Well, with only two cylinders that fire, no air box (yet) I only had to turn out the idle screws another 1/2 turn and full choke to get it to run. This is pretty much the only way it will run right now but it works! I have a new ignition in the mail so hopefully this week this bad boy will be rolling under its own power.