Since I've had it running, it hasn't been running very well. It's a little hard to start, and the idle is really tough to keep consistent. Once I think its stable and I take it out, the idle bounces all over and the exhaust pops. Well ok, so there's still an air leak somewhere. The carb boots on (some) of these models have o-rings behind them, so I was sure that they were the originals and cracked.
I bought a new set of orings and replaced the phillips bolts with stainless button heads with allen heads. A wire brush, a pick, and a bit of anti-seize and it all went back together.
Put the carbs back on, filled up the gas, and fired it right up. The idle is very stable now but it won't adjust much less than 1200-1500rpm when it should be closer to 1000rpm. I think the airbox has some leaks in it because no matter how much of the idle mix screw I turn it won't lower. Oh well, good enough for now, it idles steadily it's just a bit high.
Now for the Honda! The carbs have been on the bike for a bit but I just haven't had time to attempt to start it. So I finally made time for it and it works! I had to steal the battery and tank from the Suzuki because the Honda tank isn't ready yet. I first connected the tank, made sure no fuel leaked, and attempted to crank it over. It turned which was exciting, but nothing coming from the exhaust. I banged my head against the wall for a while trying to figure out why, timing was ok, spark was there, what was going on! Then it dawned on me..... I didn't check the idle mix screws! DUH! 1.5 turns out and they should have been 2.5-3 turns for the jets on there. 3 turns to be sure and BAM she fired right up and runs really really nicely. Almost like I knew what I was doing ;)
I know - video doesnt work. Still havent fixed that......